WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Monday, January 20, 2014

A Post on Nothing and Yet on Everything

In a (if I'm being modest) rare fit of eloquent brilliance, I find myself drawn once again to my blog.  My ode to the world if you will.  It's quite the work of art really.  [Insert applause here.]

Thank you, thank you.

But seriously readers.  As you may have guessed I've once again been stricken down in my prime and in my youth.  (Which is to say that I'm sick again.  Blasted cold.)

It's the third time in two months I've become ill.  And of course, seeing as how the best way to defeat a cold is to remain, in all boredom, entirely bedridden, I've had plenty of time to practice my flair for the dramatic.

You're welcome dear readers that I am so considerate as to share my overabundance of talent with you.

No doubt it has cast the shadows of despair and grief from your minds and thrust upon you an overwhelming sense of absolute joviality.  At least for a moment.

Now I must bid thee adieu good people.  I am off to a land like no other with many a silver stream and bubbling brook.  (Which is to say I'm now exhausted and will be going to sleep like a good like sick girl.)  Goodnight.


Sunday, January 5, 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Whew!  This past week has been a chaos storm!  Between the holidays, trying to get moved in to our new house and trying to get everything all set up and ready to go for school, I feel like I haven't had any time to really think about the most important thing that happens every new year; New Years Resolutions!

Don't roll your eyes at me.  I'm being 100% serious.

I never used to be into the whole "New Years Goals" thing.  I'm just a rebel like that.  Or more correctly; I was just too perfect as was to need it.  But as I've gotten older, and as more and more of my flaws have begun to be apparent to both myself and others around as I've lost my cuteness factor, I've come to realize how important goals are.

And so for the past couple of years I've always printed out a list at the beginning of the year full of goals that I hope to achieve throughout the year.  I hang it on my bulletin board above my desk, somewhere I sit everyday so I'm reminded of what I want to accomplish everyday of the year.

Most of these goals are not met.  Some because they just weren't rational goals to begin with.  Some because things don't always work out even when you have an elaborate step by step plan.  And some because I just didn't keep up with them.  But the ones that I do keep up with . . . the ones that I do manage to meet and accomplish- those make me feel so good I don't care about the rest.

This past year I had quite the list of goals.  It was altered more times than I can count and many more had been added to it by the end of the year.  But this has been one of my best years growth wise.  Experiences and conversations that I have had this past year have really made me change the way I view the world and my life.  Goals that have been so important to me for the past few years have lost meaning and new ones that I didn't realize I wanted to achieve have taken front stage.

Looking back on 2013, things did not go the way that I expected them too.  I did not get married.  I did not get completely out of debt, and most importantly of all, my family did not end up staying in a home we all pictured our parents living in forever.  But looking forward I don't see why all those things can't still happen.  Well except the house thing.  Clearly we won't be returning to Happy Valley Utah.  But then again . . . it was always just a little TOO happy for my sophisticatedly sarcastic taste.

Life is not the smooth picturesque little journey my step by step plans make it out to be.  It's filled with unexpected potholes and ugly little surprises.  But at the same time sometimes you discover little magic surprises like, for example, the fact that you can control the weather and grant everyone a beautiful white Christmas for the first time in years.  And then you can't help but smile and know that things will be okay.

2012 was a horrible year the world over.  2013 was better, but 2014 has so many more possibilities open to it.  I'm excited to see what it has in store.  By this time next year who knows where I'll be?