WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Monday, February 18, 2013

My Ultimate Nightmare . . . Minus the Zombies

Today was one of the craziest days at work that I've ever experienced.  Let me tell you all a little bit about the madhouse that was my day.

I knew it was going to be bad.  The last time my brothers didn't have to go to school just happened to coincide with my first day of work and one of the busiest days my boss had seen in quiet some time.  So last night, when my mom informed me that they wouldn't be waking up and told me not to wake anyone up when I got ready and left in the morning, I was instantly on guard.

One of the great things about the dinosaur museum is that I get to meet a lot of new and interesting people.  Some are nicer than others and try to say a few friendly words to the loner janitor girl.  Others ignore me or give me death glares when I set them straight on some of the museum's policies.  However, one of the not so great things about the dinosaur museum is that on days like today, when no one has to be at school but its still too cold to go to the park, everyone descends on the museum like a swarm of locust devouring honey.

And that metaphor is a little bit inaccurate for the scale of people we had today.

I could barely move through the people and I was alone.  I have enormous amounts of respect for the young mothers trying to push a stroller and wrangle their wayward children all at the same time.

Now, as many of you know (primarily because I mention it fairly often) I'm a HUGE introvert.  I don't feel comfortable in large crowds.  I barley feel comfortable in in small crowds of two or three people.  So today, while trying to make my way through the throngs of madness, I found myself so overwhelmed I came this close (I'm pinching my fingers . . . they are barely not touching), to hyperventilating.

I may have been at the museum for a month now, but I don't think hyperventilating because of people is going to make a good impression on my bosses.

Oh well.  That's over.  Tomorrow school's back in session much to the despair of the many little children who have to attend it and much to my profound excitement.  (Oh boy. . . that sounded a little bad.  I don't relish in the suffering of children people.  But let's face it, at least in school kids can sleep.  I can't.  Sometimes, they win despite it all.)

Happy Week people.  Hope you have a great one (with as little hyperventilating as possible.)  Here's a cake to start it off right. :)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I Don't Have a Title Today

Today isn't even half way over and I'm already behind on what I need to get done.


Don't you just hate days/ weeks like that?  I sure do.

To make matters worse, my body decided to take a sick day.  I don't have time for that!  But there wasn't anything I could do.

So, I dragged my sorry butt to work and did what had to be done.  Everything was fine and dandy until 10:00 when the people started showing up and I started getting . . . the LOOKS.

Yes Ma'am, I realize I look like death.  Partially this is because I'm horribly sick today.  Partly it's because I do believe I died this morning and just haven't had time to realize it just yet.  Thanks for your overbearing concern over me.  Now please go stop your kid from climbing on the exhibit.  Thanks again.

Don't get me wrong.  I love my job.  It's just that some days are harder than others.  Today was one of them.

Monday, February 11, 2013


It's Valentines! . . . in three days.

Ah Valentines.  It's never been one of my favorite holidays.  Of all the holidays that have been commercialized, Valentines has always seemed, at least to me, as though it has been commercialized the most.

Of course, this is coming from someone who, just five months shy of her twentieth birthday, has never had a date much less a boyfriend.

Not that I couldn't get a date/ boyfriend if I really applied myself.  I'm pretty cute, down right high-larious, and have the unnatural ability to prefer action movies over chick flicks any day.  But to get a date would break two cardinal rules.

1.)  I don't socialize.  I'm an introvert.  My valentines is going to be great with my gallon of ice cream and an action movie with more than its fair share of explosions.

2.) I don't turn off my superpower.  Ever.  For those of you who don't know what this is . . . in high school I prided myself on having a "superpower".  It made me untouchable.  People found me intimidating/ weird/ invisible or any combination of the three.  It's a power that I relished in.  And I'm unfortunately having a very hard time turing it off now.  (With the term "unfortunately" being used here loosely.  I still kind of like it but "unfortunately" my mom's hinting about grandkids.)

At any rate . . . my Valentines, if I even have time to celebrate it, will be me, my ugliest and yet comfiest PJ's, junk food and a great movie.

I can't wait!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Procrastinators Unite! Tomorrow.

Well, it's that time of the week once more.  The time when I unburden my many achievement, accomplishments, failures and whatever else I feel like dishing out in an extremely humorous manner.

Unfortunately today, I feel more like rambling about procrastination.

It's a freakin' pain in the rear.

And what's really bad is that I'm a person who loves to procrastinate but then gets filled with this unbelievable form of anxiety that just prevents me from coping and then I go into last minute panic.  It's not a pleasant site.

But this year, I've been trying to get better at not procrastinating which is why I'm so disappointed in myself for doing it as much as I have.  I know I need to do better.  I know that I can do better and yet, I keep finding that there's always a new distraction around the corner.  What's really bad is that most of them aren't bad distractions.  They're things that need to get done as well.  They're just also things that could wait to be done.


Procrastination sucks.  So why do I do it? 'Cuz I'm lazy.  That's why.