WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Vague Title

I've been having a hard time with life lately.  It seems like everywhere I turn there is another problem to face, another mountain to climb (so to speak).  With all the problems that I have and with all the time that each of these problems seem to take up, it's hard to see a positive side to life.

But then I get on Facebook and I read through all the posts that I've made throughout the months and I realize that there is an upside to my life.

I'm freaking hilarious.

Happy 222nd post everybody.  Enjoy your Thursday.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Frustrations and Relief

Frustrations are a part of every day life.  No matter who you are or how happy your outlook on life is, at some point or another, you are going to be frustrated about something and not be able to do anything about it.

That's basically been the story of my life lately.  Between the insanity of Math's derivatives and Chemistry's nonsensical psychosis, I've been getting more and more frustrated as the weeks have passed.

But lately I've found a way to vent all my frustrations in a totally healthy way.

Lately, I've been playing Minecraft.

Now for those of you reading, I want to clarify something.  While my mom says that I'm a "gamer", I wouldn't necessarily classify myself as that.  This is because while I do spend an unhealthy amount of time playing games online, on the wii or just on my computer, I don't play Halo, Call of Duty or other shoot 'em up games.  Those stress me out just way to much.  And trust you me, I have enough stress already.

At any rate, the point of this post isn't to talk about the games that I don't play, but rather to talk about one of the games I do play.  Recently, I've been playing a lot of a game called Minecraft.  Here's a picture of it;

 It's a very interesting game in that it doesn't seem to have much of a point . . . but it does have one upside.  It has a lot of monsters whose butts you can kick and that relieves a lot of tension, frustration and stress.

But Minecraft isn't the only thing that helps relieve stress.  In two days (count 'em TWO), I get to go home.  I am so excited!  I can't wait!

It's going to be fantastic.

And I'll be playing lot's of games the whole week.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

I'm Siiiiiiick. Feel Bad For Me.

Well world, it seems like I haven't posted for awhile.  But that's because nothing too horribly exciting has happened.

Okay.  That's not strictly true.  I did get a few movies in the mail this week and that's always awesome but beyond that, the only exciting thing to happen to me was my mysterious illness.

That's right world.  I'm siiiiiiiiick.

What's really mysterious about it (as far as I can tell, it's just a common cold), is that I contracted my illness sometime within the 8 hours I was asleep between Wednesday night and Thursday morning.  Irritatingly mysterious right?

And what's even more irritating about it is that it's not going away.  When one symptom subsides, another rears its ugly face and I find myself just as miserable as I was before.

Stinkin' cold, stress and whatever other factors that made me sick.  Why'd you have to go and do a thing like that?

At any rate, I feel particularly awful because I do in fact have a roommate who has to suffer through the cough riddled night, wheezy breathing and nasally voice that comes with my cold.

I'm deeply sorry Michelle.  If I could fix myself I would have done it a few days of misery ago.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Roommates, Roommates, Roommates!

Last year was my first year of college.  First semester was pretty good.  I made a lot of new friends, had fantastic roommates and had fairly easy classes.

Then second semester came around and I got reassigned new roommates.  I did eventually come to like them almost as much as my previous ones, but there was still something missing.

But the semester ended, I went home and I honestly never thought I would be coming back to Podunk little Ephraim.  But here I am.

And this years even worse.

I can't handle the mess that seems to accumulate no matter what I do!  Every so often, I just can't handle it and I clean it up only to have it completely destroyed only a few minutes later.

Let's get one thing straight.  I'm not a neat freak.  I grew up with five brothers.  I can handle mess.  What I can't handle is being physically unable to wash dishes because the sink is so piled high.  I can't handle not being able to stack the dishes anywhere to make room because the roommates have already stacked piles of pans that are full of two day old food on the stove.  I can't handle the garbage that litters the table.  And most of all, I can't handle not being able to use the microwave, my main food prep source, because so much crap is stacked in front of it.

Honestly.  We are in college now.  Your mom's no longer pick up after you.  Please take care of it yourself.

