WARNING - This blog may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter. If you are a naturally grumpy person, prone to attacks of severe pessimism, this blog is not recommended for you.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Well its my first night alone . . . ever. Until tonight I have always had someone I knew and trusted by my side when I spent the night away from home. Today I have no one. Sure . . . there are people here from the same high school as me . . . I may have even noticed them in the hallway . . . but not a single one of my friends is here . . . and I feel all alone.

It's not all bad I suppose. I can now set my own curfew, eat whenever and whatever I want. I no longer have to follow someone else's timeline for the day . . . but at the same time, I can't shake this unbelievable feeling of homesickness . . . something that with five brothers still at home, I never thought I would have.

I guess all I really want right now is to go back home to my not-so-perfect life where at least everything felt right. And I felt at home.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Summer Ends

Hey all. Once again, its been awhile since I've been on the 'ol blog. But here I am.

A lot has changed since my last post . . . I graduated high school, I got a cell phone (finally! My first one ever, and I'm only 18!) and of course, my aunt gave me a college makeover. That's right world, for the first time ever, I Mattie F, am wearing makeup. (dun dun duh!)

Actually its not that bad. I actually can't believe it took me this long to do it . . . but it's done now, just in time for college in T-minus 2 weeks. I can't believe that this summer is almost over and I'm about to start a whole new version of awful. We'll have to see how it goes.